
Showing posts from April, 2018

014 Downloading Web Content

hello guys this is about Downloading web Content in your android project . i think many developers have wecsite they can able to to download contents and use it . Please SUBSCBIBE channel for more videos and help thank you . contact Us: Email: Twiter :

031-Try And Catch

hello everyone this is video all about try ad catch in android using java programming langauge this video will help you how to create try and catch expection in OOP programming langauge . this video is very imp for android and java programmer so i hope you waill never miss this video watch full and get more skill in java and android programming thank you contact Us:   Email:   facebook:   twitter :

030- App Guess The Celebrity

this is very interesting video . in this video we are going to make new apps for Guess the Celebrity or which pic you want you can develop yourself. this is apps good for child who like to larn something for example you can put come pic and child can learn from this apps also they can understand very well and I hope if you work hard this app will be good for you future and your first android apps . after this video you can able to understand about developing apps and you can start developing youself step by step please like share and subscribe next brain test simple apps: timer apps : contact Us: Email:

029-App Brain Trainer

this is very nice apps for you . brain tester apps this is vey nice apps. this is same like math test you have to write some corrct answers ans I hope you guys will like this video very well please like and comment and also share with your friends this is very nice and good for you contact Us: Email : twitter :

019- Showing Hiding UI Elements

welcome in Asian technology. this video about showing and hiding Elements in your android apps. this tags is very important for all apps because we need hide some element and show some elements that's why this video is very important for you. I hope you will understand every thing very clearly thank you please like comment and subcribe please contact Us: email: twitter: more videos blog :

027-Egg timer apps designing

this video is the one simple timer apps. in this apps we will show you time on egge so this is looking very nice . Alternatively, you may like a simple egg timer app that I thought about it few weeks ago. The name is Egg timer. It is very easy to know, robust and has most features that you seem to want.  You can set times in eggs single screen. so it looking very beautifull and you know manything in this videos I hope you guys are like comment and share this video with your friends thank you. Contact US: Email: twitter :

Asian Technology Software development

panel is very usefull in your website for make sidebar. comment ,post table. many more ... panel is very usefull when you will going to make social networking website like facebook , twitter whatshap etc.. bootstrap panel have more beautifull effects and functions . next video we will going to learn how to make some more effect in panel so contnuee learn guys alwas here to help you thnk you. Conact me: Email: twitter : facebook:

Bootstrap beautifull table

hey everyone I think everyone know table is very important part in all website. bootstrap table is very popular and with very nice effects and I hope everyone like this video. in bootstrap you have just add some classes and your will have very beautifull effects . check here how to use class in table ... 1.< table class="table"> 2.< table class="table table-striped"> 3.<table class="table table-hover"> 4.< table class="table table-dark"> 5. <table class="table table-hove table-dark"> this is some way to use class you have to know <table class="table table-colorName  table-border if you need table-hover if you need"> that means first you have write color other effects what ever you need. see video for more details \. thank you please like comment and share with you friends Contact Us: email: Twitter : Facebook:

Asian Technology

this video all about badge and labels. badge and label is for showing like facebook notifications massages.....  While the styling of badges provides a visual cue as to their purpose, these users will simply be presented with the content of the badge. Depending on the specific situation, these badges may seem like random additional words or numbers at the end of a sentence, link, or button. its very usefull and we have to use in all kind of website so its very important for you. I hope you guys have clear about badge and label if you guys have any thing to ask me please comment.. also if you guys are like video please comment like and share with your friends. conact Us: email :

Asian Technology

this video all about badge and labels. badge and label is for showing like facebook notifications massages.....  While the styling of badges provides a visual cue as to their purpose, these users will simply be presented with the content of the badge. Depending on the specific situation, these badges may seem like random additional words or numbers at the end of a sentence, link, or button. its very usefull and we have to use in all kind of website so its very important for you. I hope you guys have clear about badge and label if you guys have any thing to ask me please comment.. also if you guys are like video please comment like and share with your friends. conact Us: email :


what do you think about magic? its true or just fake? lets see this video Magic, along with its subgenres of, and sometimes referred to as illusion, stage magic or street magic is a performing art in which audiences are entertained by staged tricks or illusions of seemingly impossible feats using natural means. It is to be distinguished from paranormal magic which, it is claimed, are effects created through supernatural means. It is one of the oldest performing arts in the world.

012-Alert tag

this video all about Alert button that mean how we can use dismiss (delete) sign in our website. Alerts are available for any length of text, as well as an optional dismiss button.  For proper styling, use one of the eight required contextual classes (e.g., .alert-success). For inline dismissal, use the alerts jQuery plugin. this video is very important for all of you.   if you want to become website developer you must have to know alert tags and you have to use this tag in your website. I hope you guys understand very well and if you guy have to have me anything please comment I will replay you soon. I hope you guys are like comment and share my video with you friends                                                   ...

004 Timers In Android

this  video about Timer  in android project . This series of lessons shows you how to create a simple Timer project build a simple app, and run it on a device or emulator. ... screen in the app.  But before you start, there are two fundamental concepts you should understand about Android programming concept of timer: ... With those basic concepts in mind, click below to start building timer in your project! after this video I hope you will able to do something means simple lists in your  project in android so please study hard guys. and if you guys like my videos please like comment and share my videos with your friends . I made this channel only for education purpose so please share this videos contact Us: email : twitter: facebook:

026-List Views


025-App Basic Phrases
